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On the login screen, there is the option to pick between being a teacher or student. The major difference is that teachers will have the ability to access all learning modules from the beginning, without having to unlock them. They can additionally set the requirements that must be met by students in order to progress.

A post will be visualized as a segment in a chain. The color is representative of the subject tagged. If a segment is touched in a visualization, it will reveal the fact inside. If no subject is directly stated, key words in the post will be used to sort it, using data from other subject posts as a basis for the decision. In this way, the system gets smarter at sorting as more people denote subject. The way in which the information is displayed can be seen under the "Organizer" in the bottom right.

Animation Demo:

Screen Walkthrough:

The two major components making up the home page are the assignment agenda and the list of readings. The stages are marked by the progress through them that's needed in order to reach the next stage.

Selecting a stage will collapse it into it's sections. These are further marked by if they are completed, available/underway, or locked. These will unlock in a similar way to major stages.

Notable: Digital Learning Experience

Notable is a digital platform meant to take a different look at learning in school systems. It has a high focus on communication between students and teachers, in addition to allowing students to customize their learning strategies.

Diagrams have interactive elements to them in order to better help users learn and visualize information.

The notes are the meat of this platform. The notes page exists on every page of the platform and can be accessed by dragging it out from the right side of the screen. At the top of the notes page are the users groups. This helps to organize their notes according to what context it's need in; such as a study group or out of class help with the teacher. Below that is the tool bar, which adds utility to the student's note taking ability. These range in functionality such as adding people to the group, defining terms, highlighting and making flash cards. In the middle of the page is where the actual notes are seen. Information from the text can simply be highlighted and added into this area. The "eye icon" next to this information will take the user to the place where the information was originally found. Finally, at the bottom are a series of tabs that separates notes based on the stage that they belong in. This keeps irrelevant information out of the sections.

Whenever new information is added into the notes, it also goes into the box at the top of the page. This acts as a quicker reference to information than pulling out the notes. It also serves the purpose of reinforcing information deemed important by the student. As they go through the process of highlighting and adding information, reading it in the notes, and seeing it at the top of the page, they are more likely to remember it. Navigation works in the reading area in a similar way to the home page.

To extend the functionality of the digital textbook outside of the reach of one individual or classroom, a separate platform was made. This uses the note related data from the digital textbook, and put's it in an environment where others can see and interact with it. This works to have users engage with each other and promote the use of the platform.

Promotion Through Infographics:

All of the information that goes into the visuals will be composed of user posts. They will be prompted by a question along the lines of, “What is an interesting fact you’ve heard from a friend recently? Tag that friend in this post.” By people who are the source of information being prompted to do the same thing, chains of facts are made. Later on, facts can be added through the notes portion of Notables. A second quality to the posts is being able to specify a subject (such as biology) that the fact falls under. This helps to categorize the data for specific visualizations later on.

This campaign is geared towards collecting a majority of it’s information from kids, either middle school or high school age. This is due to the Notable app being most relevant to those age groups. This campaign serves two purposes. The first and obvious one is to promote awareness for the app and what it does. The second is to inform about what kids find interesting. By displaying the most talked about subjects, parents and teachers can see what the student population is focusing on at that point in time and take that into consideration when designing course material. Just as Notables allows students to customize their study space, this tool will give people a tool to customize lesson plans and class subject matter.

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